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Advovatemail.com is an amalgamation of Law and IT. The online legal service market is exponentially growing. Looking into this global market growth advocatemail is now working on projects that connects a Legal service Seeker with a Legal Service Provider. The domainadvocatemail.comwas registered in the year 2001, with a foresight of ...


We have a strong IT infrastructure and experienced technical manpower to provide various cloud hosting and web solution exclusively for Legal fraternity. We manage network of web servers located at Data Center in New JERSEY USA, since 2001. Since we are backed with high end IT infrastructure, we provide SAAS ...

Why Us

We believe in delivering the best. We have an approach that demands the highest levels of understanding in each of their practice areas, technical skill and service delivery allowing us to provide accurate, reliable, timely and cost-effective advice across a range of industry groups and sectors. This is reflected through ...

Values Mision Vision

Values : Our most valuable asset for progress is consistent cooperation and coordinated effort within and between our teams, across each practice area. Each partner-led team, having specific practice area knowledge and expertise, understand the clients requirements and revert expeditiously to the committed satisfaction of the client. With emphasis on our ...


As we have grown over the years, one core principal remains, everyone that comes on board with us has a voice and the ability to provide new and innovative suggestions, regardless of title. Processes and policies are important for stability and consistency, however there is a much greater need for ...

Our Resource

Resource with ADVOCATEMAIL are the factor leverages it to accomplish a goal and to carry out the activities at ADVOCATEMAIL. In short, these are the components that our business needs in order to do business.Sucess of any corporate revolves around the right resources to leverage business sucess. Yes, not all resources ...


In order to operate effectively in an environment of borderless markets, standard products and globalization marketing, global Multinational Corporation has to function under a corporate philosophy which can sustain such concepts. In support of globalization theory, suggests that a holistic corporate philosophy approach is capable of maintaining congruence within the ...


Collaboration is a purposeful relationship in which all parties strategically choose to cooperate in order to accomplish a shared outcome. Collaboration is the process of two or more people or organizations working together to complete a task or achieve a goal. Collaboration is similar to cooperation. Most collaboration requires leadership,[ ...

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