Websites With Blog Features For Advocates

Websites With Blog Features For Advocates

You as a individual advocate or having a law firm having a website can make an impact. Inin todays ever-evolvingdigital era, it has now become mandatory to have a web presence with a professionally designed website. Website is the first point of contact for many of your potential clients. It needs to capture their interest, establish your credibility and convince them you’re the right attorney to represent them. Whether you are creating a new site or redesigning an existing one, the website deployed on SCORPIOCMS would offer best practices that will help you create an engaging and functional site. Creating a website is now considered to be a necessity by many business or professionals offering various services. This includes all small and big entrepreneurs or individual practicing professionals. Websites are now most important tool for marketing services with digital marketing. There are a number of advantages of setting up a professional website. Websites are most feasible for promoting business and service that provides a wider footprint of customers for offered services. websites lets you stay connected with your new and existing clients by providing all updated information about services offered with just by a click. If you don't; you’ll fizzle out in no time without an accessible platform as the backbone of that establish your brand name for the services offered.

As with all things in life, when it comes to your law firm’s site, first impressions are important. And that first impression is going to happen within the first 50 milliseconds after a visitor lands on your site. This means you have 0.05 seconds to capture their interest before they bounce off.

So how do you make a good first impression? You do it with a design that is simple and professional, with a dash of personality—all while navigating your visitors to the relevant information they need, just by a click.

Complete website is deployed on a proprietary software "SCORPIOCMS" developed by our company Scorpio Informatic Pvt Ltd. The software is light and with user friendly admin dashboard to manage the content of the website. This is not any free open-source free downloadable CMS software like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc. The only reason is there are various disadvantages associated with this Free Opensource CMS software's. The viability and the Maintenace cost for site is not feasible economically for the website.


The standard website that serves all the requirement of a website for an advocate / Law Firm is met by the template design deployed of SCORPIOCMS software. Website developed is with professionally designed Template for Home Page / Landing page, Category Page and the content page of the website. These pages should be responsive in designed so its compatible to various devices for display of website.

HOME PAGE: The home page of the website, also termed as landing page can be compared to a cover page of a magazine, that displays important categories and summary content of the website. Important categories and pages in the categories should be displayed with a summary content of the page. The summary content is the first 20 to 50 words displayed on the home page and linked with the content page. Total number of pages for a category displayed on the home page can vary depending on the layout design of the website.

WEB SITE CATEGORIES : Category the section of the website where various pages are displayed under a following relevant category. The categories forms the website Navigation Menu.

  • ABOUT : basics following pages under these categories with detail write up for each
  1. Introduction
  2. Founders Profile / My Profile
  3. Our Team
  4. Mission 
  5. Vision
  6. Values
  7. Our Strategies
  8. Quality Policy
  9. Objective
  • SERVICES :  Pages with detail write up of each and every service offered by the Advocate or The Law Companies are displayed under the services category of the website.

  • SPECIALIZATION:  This section of the lawyer's website provide detail information about each and ever specialized area for legal matters. Details write up linked with success Stories /  Testimonial will always be beneficial for procuring new clients also repeat client for new services.
  • LAW BLOG: This is the category where various law blogs can be posted on the website. The word blog is no more a term that is new to any professional or even an undergraduate student. Various professional, not ruling out the professionals from legal fraternity, are now blogging on website to display their knowledge in relevant domains. Blogging generally refers to creating helpful, relevant, and interesting articles published on web with prime focus of increasing brand awareness and a wider footprint to reach out for more potential legal clients online. CLICK HEAR TO READ Advantage of Blog website For Advocates
  • NEWS & EVENTS: (Optional) Various news or events related with law can be posted withing this category of Website
  • CONTACT USThis category consists of a page with postal contact and also a form where user can submit information in various text field provided on the form for the clients/Customers to contact the business owner from the website.
    1. Postal Contact (Optional)
    2. Online Contact


NAVIGATION MENU: This is for website navigation linked to various categories and subcategories of the website, just a a click of a link displayed in the website navigation menu. Website Navigation Menu is like an Index of a book.

WEBSITE SLIDER BANNER; These are the banners displayed below the navigation Menu on the HOME page, Banner not only adds cosmetic uplift of the website, but also important pages can be linked with these banners, Banners can be changed as and when required by the website owner.

WEBSITE HOSTING. We are not dependent on Anny third party server for hosting, ever since 2001, company owned and managed a dedicated server located is one of the most secured data centers in New Jersey (USA). Server is managed inhouse by our technical staff. SCORPIOCMS Sofware is provided as SAAS deployed on most secured Linux server that is managed by us. The annual hosting charges covers the SAAS cost for the SCORPIOCMS software.


  Feature Cost Billing
A Subscription Annual Cost Rs 2500 Annual
B CMS Website for Advocates One time Setup Rs 10,000/- One Time
C CMS Hosting for Website Annual Charges Rs 5,000/- Annual